Wishing new features in the next APEX releases can be affected by everyone in this official Feature Request Application. Now is the right time, because the last APEX Patch 4.2.1 is not far away and the next release will be a bigger one.
Here are some of my most desired features (beside the State of direction for APEX 5.0)
- Authorisation accepts parameter (Feature ABPY)
At the moment it's not possible in an APEX Authorisation Scheme to forward any information from the calling element. Further more it would be nice to have some variables, which could be referenced in the authorisation. Now you have to use the condition area to use specific parameters. If there is already some kind of condition (often already functional conditions are existing), the technical authorisation and the functional condition is mixed up. - Read Only condition - read only type option (AA4A)In the last projects, often we got the questions, why the read only text area or select-lists are displayed differently in standard read only mode. With this feature it would be possible to display the input element like the original one with only shown greyed out.
- Defining one named Dynamic Action for different use (AD1B)Often the same effect (Dynamic Action) should be used on different objects and even different pages to effect like the same way. In this case it would be nice to define named Dynamic Actions and only call these actions which are predefined in the shared objects.
- Tabs using URL Targets => Tabs can be opened with right click (AD1A)
It's only a small feature, but often when i use application in nower days, i'm disapointed, when i can't open a link in a new browser tab. In standard APEX at the moment it's not possible. - Able to lock whole application (ADVQ)
In many cases we have different people who are starting new APEX projects or customers who want to look into the development areas. These people should not be able to change anything but should be able to reach every attribute in the application builder. - Integrate with Subversion (ABAF)
Working with big APEX Applications, it would be nice to have an easy access to every APEX component by using subversion.